Saturday, December 13, 2008

Blessed Christmas Greetings

To our Family and Friends

We hope you have enjoyed fellowship with our Savior, Jesus Christ, during this year. He came as a baby to reveal God’s love to mankind and provide salvation from sin and hope of heaven.

As we review the past year and reflect on our walk with God we are humbled that he would allow us to enjoy Him and serve Him. We have many joys of living and serving together in our marriage that God arranged. December 30 will complete two years. The blessing of good health makes us responsible to use it for His glory.

We truly enjoy living here in Maranatha Village, Sebring, FL, a retirement community of Christians. Our church is located within the village and nearly everyone attends there. Our pastor is a great Bible teacher and we have many opportunities to interact with people. During the year the church has Bible conferences, Music Concerts, Missionary speakers, a great Choir with cantatas at Christmas and Easter. The Village also plans fellowship times for fun and communication.

Ruth has been the president of the Ladies Mission Fellowship. She gives special effort to provide informative and interesting programs. Both of us serve on the Mission Committee.

Eldon’s special passion is Ethnic to Ethnic Ministries. This is the vision God gave to him three years ago. This year the board agreed to incorporated and applied for IRS Tax Exemption. God has expanded his communication with people through the website – and with a Blog Site . For the past 18 weeks he has posted an article about the need and benefit of intentional multi ethnic ministry. Eldon has founded this to help churches make this adjustment to become multicultural in out reach and fellowship. If this could happen many of those from other nations would find a way to send or carry the Gospel to their ethnic homeland. They could be the missionaries we can’t be in major parts of the world.

Last summer we traveled nine weeks and 8400 miles to Iowa, Kansas, New Mexico, Texas, New Jersey and home. We made several valuable contacts for E-tem, served with the missionaries to the Navajo where Ruth had been a missionary, visited friends from Kachin State, Burma living in Dallas that Eldon knows from his trips to Burma, attended the wedding of Ruth’s brother. Included did visit Eldonna and family, toured the Grand Canyon, and attended a musical on Texas but nearly all of our time was given to missions activities.

We anticipate special opportunities for 2009. Ruth is president again and maybe it will be easier the second year. Eldon is dreaming of a special Round Table type meeting of several leaders involved in multi ethnic ministries to coordinate the potential and the methods of assisting churches. If he had a support base of administrative staff and finances the potential would be greater. Meanwhile, we are praying for God to provide a man to develop E-tem far beyond my ability.

In 2009 let’s trust God to reveal his salvation and His glory even though there seems to be such resistance to Jesus Christ, the one who can provide a righteous solution to the problems of the world.

Eldon and Ruth
251 Timothy Rd, Sebring, FL 33870, or

Saturday, December 6, 2008

An Immigrant’s Perspective

Last week I wrote “Ethnic People Can Give the Gospel and Plant Churches.”

Jean B Manirakiza wrote regarding the hesitancy people from other cultures feel. He is a friend who was born in Burundi, Africa. Notice, too, his insight on the working relationships needed for fulfilling the Great Commission. (Underlining is mine. More of his background at the end.)

“Thank you for another insightful and provocative (in a positive way) post. From an immigrant perspective, I agree with your statements and would only add that the cultural gap is one of the contributing factors in the misconceptions. For example, at least from where I come from, (Burundi, Africa) modesty/humility hinders a lot of people to assert their capabilities and may yield to the opinion that assertiveness is equivalent of knowledge and capability. As a result, we may believe that Americans are more capable of reaching people of ethnic background more than we do. Another minor issue we may deal with is the familiarity breeding contempt-remember that even Jesus' siblings were not enthusiastic about his ministries until he ascended to heaven...that one always baffles me. But in the end, love for God remains the most powerful tool if we, American and ethnic people, hope to reach the lost in other cultures. Do we love God enough to seek his guidance in finding ways to bridge the cultural gaps and change our misconceptions of others? That's my prayer! Thanks and may God grant us wisdom to care for the lost.”
[Jean was forced to leave Burundi when a civil war began. They were killing College students. He made his way to South Africa where he accepted Christ as savior through a church. After this he sought refugee status here and now has a government job in DC. He is active in Calvary Baptist, Alexandria, VA but has interests of serving our Lord in Africa some day.]

An American friend also wrote this week to say, I work with a very diverse group of nurses who, 2 of them are here in the states and planning on going back to their country to minister there. Both are Calvin grads as are their husbands who plan to start agencies to minister to their own country men.”

My contention is that we are not listening to people who have perspectives on reaching the world. We have a lot to learn as well as a lot to give.

This may seem like a minor point but something is limiting the joint effort to share the Gospel worldwide.

Tell me what you think. Leave a comment here. Soon I want to talk about prayer for the nations as a beginning action step. Eldon,

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Ethnic People Can Give the Gospel and Plant Churches

Key Point 13
American’s are not the only ones who can give the gospel and plant churches. “Do we pray, plan and encourage cross culturally empowering others to carry the message where we can’t?”

Many American’s have a subconscious response that questions the ability of people from another culture to properly give out the Gospel. I know we quickly affirm that others can be effective within their culture BUT the question is, “Do we pray, plan and empower others to carry the message where we can’t?” It is so common to us that the Bible is in English and some may doubt the ability of one in another language to teach the truth to others. Be patient with me on this.

My proposition for E-tem is that we should seek to win the people from other nations, especially the immigrants, and disciple them so they can give the gospel in areas where America’s are rejected or disliked.

I believe, “You can reach the nations without leaving home.”

AN EXAMPLE: A friend told me about his work with Mexican immigrants, mostly illegal. Churches in Mexico give him names of those who move to his area. He then has led several to accept Christ as Savior. Some of these have returned home by choice or by deportation and have helped to strengthen the church in Mexico.


Americans commonly have more education, money and organization. It is easy to look at the people of another nation and assume that we know best how to teach the Bible and organize church planting efforts. After all, how could they understand our methods since they are not as educated in this culture which is superior? (This is sarcasm to emphasize point.)

On the other hand many people from other nations tend to think of themselves as less qualified because they don’t know our ways. This may true if they are new believers. Even so it does not make them inferior.

Here is the problem! American’s tend to think the ethnic person is not ready and the ethnic person tends to think he is unqualified. Too often we may try to maintain control and he may not accept responsibility.

The result is that we sometimes limit effectiveness. An ethnic person is more readily accepted by his culture because he knows the language, the culture, and the false religion. Let’s ask ourselves if we truly trust God’s promise, “The manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit.” If so, we will give more effort to assisting, encouraging and maybe pushing the convert to take leadership up to his level of learning. In my camp leadership days I often said, “Help a camper learn/discover a new thing and he will have a desire to learn more.”

Let’s, disciple U S ethnic people to evangelize the ethnic people groups worldwide.

I need you insights. Enter you comments. Also sign on as a follower in the upper left corner of this Blog.
Eldon Brock,

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Can a church experience NEW passion to become multi ethnic?

Planting strong, vital multi-ethnic churches is the most effective way to advance the Gospel in our increasingly urban, ethnically diverse world. This is the growing conviction shared by many North American church planters and is confirmed by a growing body of research. Ken Davis, Director of Project Jerusalem. Go to the following link to see the complete article. (
“Project Jerusalem’s innovative strategy partners BBS’ M.Div. students with independent churches, state associations, and mission agencies to intentionally train church planters by planting healthy churches in the Northeastern United States.”

Multi Ethnic ministry is not simple but Ken refers to the easier, and maybe the quicker way, which is to start a new church with an intentional purpose to be multi ethnic. There are many exciting reports on ministries that are planned and programmed this way from the beginning.

Even though is hard to change established traditions in a church, is it not true that we should be open and yielded to whatever is needed to make the greatest spiritual impact in our changing nation that is increasingly urban, ethnically diverse world. I want to encourage the planting of new churches but let’s also challenge established churches to adjust to welcome the diverse community next door. Maybe the church should not move away; could it be they can be revived as they welcome other cultures into one fellowship.

Perhaps this means churches will have to notice the nations represented in their local area and pray for them instead of thinking that missions is all overseas. Maybe we need to get real about the one faith, one Lord regardless of the cultural background. It excites me to think of ONE ETERNAL CULTURE in heaven made of many nations. We should prayerfully make effort to experience some of that fellowship here so it will not be such a shock to us when we get there.

Read more of what Ken Davis said.

The multicultural church matches an urgent need in a fractured North American society which often seeks unity in superficial solutions. In a day of rising immigration (both legal and illegal), we live in a world often characterized by fear, suspicion and mistrust. Sometimes outright racism raises its ugly head, even in church.

The multi-ethnic church which models well the reconciling power of the Gospel and the oneness Christ followers have in Him will be attractive to many of the younger generation who are fed up with the racial discord and division in our land.
North American evangelicals face two demographic challenges: continuing urbanization and rapid ethnic diversification.

Watch my post next week post but I would like your comment on this. I hope you will become a Follower by clicking on the words Follow this Bog in the upper left corner of this page,

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Veteran’s Day Reminds Me of Freedom For All Nations

Millions of international ethnic people seek freedom in our country but most remain in bondage to personal sin like millions of people born in USA.

I attended the local Veteran’s Day memorial ceremony on November 11 and our attention was drawn to the sacrifices that paid for our national freedom. Freedom has come at a great cost but just a few people attended this ceremony to acknowledge this fact. I guess most people feel that this freedom is our right and they fail to give tribute to those who fought for us so we can live free of oppression.

Let’s ask:
FREEDOM from what?
FREEDOM to do what?
In our country we have freedom from bondage to foreign powers. We also have freedom to make independent choices about family, business and worship.

Jesus said a lot about FREEDOM in John 8.32 – 36.
The problem is that most who say they have freedom do not have it. They don’t realize that all are sinners and “Whoever commits sin is the servant of sin.” (v34) This is bondage not freedom. Jesus said, “If the Son, therefore, shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”

This freedom is 1. Freedom from eternal terror of judgment and also 2. Freedom to live a righteous life acceptable to God. It was paid for by one who was without sin. Our national freedom has required payment by millions in the military and law enforcement and this is only a determent of violence. And praise God it does provide the freedom to proclaim this message.

Most who read this have two freedoms. We enjoy this national freedom of speech and also the religious freedom to give our “members as instruments of righteousness unto God” (Rom. 6:13)
Both of these freedoms, the salvation from “slavery to sin” and the freedom to serve a Holy God are available to all people of “all Nations” especially those who live in our neigborhood.

We American Christians have a responsibility to present this message of Christ’s deliverance from bondage to the Nations. God has made this easier in that He has moved so many of them to America. The churches and believers who have experienced this salvation generally have not learned to give it without boundaries or prejudice. Our churches tend to depend on paid missionaries instead of each one reaching out cross culturally and building multi ethnic church fellowships.

Ethnic to Ethnic Ministries, Inc. purposes to, “Assist churches to disciple U S ethnic people to evangelized unreached ethnic people groups worldwide.”

Eldon Brock, Please interact with me here on this Blog,, or by email, Check out the web site

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Diverse Ethnic America Has Voted.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yesterday America voted. We have a new president. The many segments of Diverse Ethnic Americans have exercised their rights and made us more aware of their presence. Some people seem to think that things are the way they have been; that Anglo Americans, with a predominantly Judeo-Christian background, are still the majority. This is not so.

The variety of voting blocks in this election forcibly reminds us that God has moved the Nations to our land.

This should awaken us to the opportunities we have to help them learn of Christ and His salvation from sin with an eternal hope. Think what the results would be if we could help them learn that the Government is not the answer to their social, economic and security needs. The One True Creator God is the one on the Throne in Heaven and He alone can meet our needs for now and the future.

Our churches should welcome people of other cultures so they can see the Welcoming Savior. If so we could see people of “every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation” begin to worship Christ and then they would want to share this joy with their ethnic homeland.

As commanded we should to pray for President Obama. (I Tim. 2:1-3) Let’s pray that God will be honored and that there will be increased freedom to share the Scriptures with all men of all ethnic backgrounds.

The Ethnic to Ethnic Ministries purpose is “to assist churches to disciple U S ethnic people to evangelize unreached ethnic people groups worldwide.”
Contact me at Eldon Brock

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Can Two Cultures Work Together?

Key Point # 12: We should assist ethnic believers where it is necessary but always allow them to have ownership of their own passion and ministry.

Have you found a way for church members from two or more cultural backgrounds to serve in harmony? Let’s talk about it. Post your comments below.

Often we think we know best how people in another culture should serve Christ.

Has someone tried to help you when you didn’t need it? Sometimes a person tries to give help that doesn’t fit the need. I know I feel the most successful when someone assures me that I can find the answer and then he praises me for work well done.

I heard a two year old girl say, "I can do it myself if you help me." It is always a better partnership if we help when asked, especially when two or more cultures are involved. I found that my American ways did not always work when trying to help Asians. True, we need to teach the Scriptures but allow a person freedom to trust the Spirit of God to lead."

God’s plan is seen in 1Cor. 12:4 – 7, “Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.”

If I insist on my way, especially when I don’t understand all of the conditions, I will rob the other person of his ownership and blessing. This is really hard when I feel time and convenience is at stake.

Let’s take time to hear before expecting to be heard.

The work of God is best done when there is unity in the body of Christ and we proclaim the Word of God without prejudice toward one another or the people we seek to win.

God’s challenge to me is to assist American churches to win the millions of people from other nations. They now live next door. If we respect and encourage them I believe they could send or take the Gospel to their homeland.

Post a comment here.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Can We Respect the Opinions of Other Cultures?

Key Point #11: We should become brothers with people of another ethnicity to such and extent that they will be able to share their views and needs.

Often we detect the attitude; if only he would listen to me we could work together. It is troubling when this response of “do it my way” limits service to God and the cooperative evangelization of people worldwide. No, I am not talking about adjusting clearly defined Bible doctrine. I am talking about methods for reaching the lost in another culture.

My concern here is, how can I build a two way trusting relationship with a person from another culture so he can feel free to share his plan to present Christ? There seems to be two problems. 1. We tend to think; because it works for us it will work for others. 2. People from other cultures may hesitate to openly share their opinions or needs based on their assumption of inferiority. This is especially true if support money is involved.

We should respect the dignity and the insight of others. “Respect” is different than “accept,” or “adapt”.

No one should assume that there is only one way to share the Gospel. After all there are over 6,912 language groups, i.e. cultures around the world. Let’s take time to build an understanding of one another so the other person will feel free to tell us how we can best help them. Don’t let the sin of pride hinder the joint effort of giving the Gospel to the ethnic groups here in America and through them to their “Nation”.

Each of us should prepare for serving together with believers from a different culture by making a practical application of these Biblical exhortations.
1Co 1:10 “ Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.”
“And in the same judgment - γνώμη gnōmē. This word properly denotes science, or knowledge; opinion, or sentiment; and sometimes, as here, the purpose of the mind, or will. The sentiment of the whole is, that in their understandings and their volitions, they should be united and kindly disposed toward each other. … And the proper way to produce union in the church of God, is not to begin by attempting to equalize all intellects…, but to produce supreme love to God, and elevated and pure Christian love to all who bear the image and the name of the Redeemer.” (Albert Barnes)

Rom 12:16 “Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits.”
Barnes says a more literal translation might be, “Think of, that is, regard, or seek after the same thing for each other; that is, what you regard or seek for yourself, seek also for your brethren. Do not have divided interests; do not be pursuing different ends and aims; do not indulge counter plans and purposes; and do not seek honors, offices, for yourself which you do not seek for your brethren, so that you may still regard yourselves as brethren on a level, and aim at the same object.”

It is challenging to apply these and other passages. Can we do less and achieve the highest potential?

Don’t hesitate to share your opinions so we can understand one another. Click on the envelope to post a comment.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Freedom To Allow God To Lead

Key Point # 10 Some ethnic people may return to their home country but we should not try to program them for that purpose.

Each person is very loyal to his heritage, his culture. In fact you and I are loyal to ours so it should not surprise us that others have a defensive attitude toward theirs.

Most American’s think that a person from another country would never want to return to that way of life. How could anyone want to leave all the conveniences of America? The thing we don’t understand is, for instance, the convenience of talking in the language of our birth. In my short trips oversees I know how helpless I was without a Christian friend there helping me find my way and communicate my ideas and needs.

Based on this many would return home if they could. However, some have come as refugees and would be arrested if they returned. Others feel the responsibility to earn money here and help those they left behind.

My proposition is that we prayerfully help multi ethnic people trust Christ as Savior and disciple them so they can experience the hope found in Christ. Then many may want to return to give the Gospel to their family and friends. Others will do what they can to send the Gospel home. Keep in mind, we must allow God the Holy Spirit to create that passion according to His will.

Most of us have a desire that “All Nations” hear the Gospel. We tend to want to recruit someone we think has potential and then try to program them so they will fill our desires. But, remember Rom. 10:15a, “How shall they preach, except they be sent?” Sent by God that is.

Dr. Jim King, Baptist Bible Seminary, said to me, (when I was assisting three Bible College teachers from Burma to earn D. Min degrees in BBS) “Be careful, some mission agency will want to take them on as their missionary with support. Then when they return home they would be treated as an American worker instead of one of the nationals, accepted by nationals.”

Let’s give a new emphasis to evangelism among the diverse ethnic population around us. They need Christ. We are obligated to share our faith with those God has put within our reach. If we do our part then God can lead people of another color or culture to do evangelism where we can’t go. If a person has the Bible and the Holy Spirit to teach and guide them, then they should be able to serve God. In fact we should cheer them and become their helpers rather than the manager.

Join in the discussion by leaving a comment. Three more Key Points coming. I want to show the logic of E-tem’s purpose with these 13 Key Talking points.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Bold Messengers Are Available

Key Point # 9

People from other nations can find ways to send the Gospel even where it is dangerous for them to return to their homeland.

People from other cultures and political systems have learned many survival and defensive skills from living in countries of oppression and economic poverty. I have watched as I traveled in 8 countries. I have also been very closely related to several leaders who come from a very restricted nation. In fact some I know have lived under a leader who is listed number 2 to 4 worst dictator on human rights.

Christians coming from these conditions have learned to be “wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” Mat. 10:16b. Christ said in the beginning of this verse, “I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves.” People under oppression and persecution have a clear sense of what to live or die for. If Christ is their Hope He is greater than their fear of the king or death.

They learn skills for proclaiming and defending their basic beliefs and culture. Based on this they can find ways to send the Gospel even where it is dangerous for them to return to their homeland. One man I know has gone on short trips to his homeland to assist believers and help with evangelism, even at great risk.

True other ethnic people want to learn many things from us but as American’s, let’s accept the gifts and abilities God has given to them. Don’t let American arrogance get in the way of giving them respect and maybe the leadership.

But what about the millions of immigrants who do not know Christ as Savior? They are living next to us. We need to pray for love and opportunity to share the Good News with them. Pastor Rob Elkington. Whitby, Ont. replied to my blog post last week, “Once they know the Lord, are settled in a church home, and feel loved and a part of the family of God in their local church, they will eagerly work with the church body to reach their homeland in ways we could never imagine.” He has seen this happen in his intentionally multi ethnic church.

Let’s do all we can to refocus our traditional ways of church and ‘missions over there’ in order to love and win the people God loves and that Christ died who are from The Nations around the world. They also live in our community.

More on my Key Talking Points next week. Please comment so we can all share in this discussion.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Ethnic People Communicate Better

Key Talking Point # 8 Ethnic people have the best insight into how to communicate the message to their own ethnic group.

It was very humbling to me when I first met the Kachin believers in Burma. They had no contact with American missionaries for 35 years but when I met them they had formed a new Bible based association and opened a Bible College. They were doing things that surprised this American but then I realized they had Bible and submitted to the guidance of the Holy Spirit in their own culture.

Often you detect an attitude, at least subconsciously, that if it is to be done right American’s have to do it or instruct the national. I realized that any believer who has the Bible and the Holy Spirit can:
a. see the spiritual challenge,
b. determine a way to meet the challenge
c. and experience personal blessing because they allowed God to do it through them.

Internationals that bring their native culture to America:
· Know the language
· Know the culture
· Are aware of the economic standards
· Understand the religion and opposition
· Can discover ways to communicate with the homeland

We who accept the call of foreign missions work hard to adapt to all of this but think how natural it is for some one who comes from that culture.

If you invest your passion into this gold mine you would allow God to demonstrate His grace on the nations. We need to recognize the “gold mine” that God opened; that is people from other cultures locating in our land. This is an opportunity to win them to Christ and allow them to find ways to send or take the Gospel to people of their homeland.

Recognize the opportunity. Allow God to help you mine the gold and give freedom for the “gold” to cast its influence on the world.

I welcome your comments. Click on the small envelope below and post your thoughts.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Could Ethnic People Share the Gospel With Their Homeland?

Key Talking Point #7 Ethnic People can develop a Spiritual passion for their own people group if we demonstrate a passion for the lost of their nation.

Most materialistic Americans think people immigrate to America for personal greed.

Generally this is not their real motive. Their greatest motive is to provide for their family here and in their homeland. Nearly all of them come out of a survivor mentality where communal support of family and culture is necessary compared to the all too common American “me first” motive.

Did you know that a majority of immigrant people are selected and sent by friends and family which means they are “on assignment” to assist those at home? Even if not, they are willing to sacrifice when they arrive so they can assist their cultural network. They passionately do amazing things to succeed.

Four years ago this became clear to me when I read that the second largest national income in Mexico was Mexican immigrants sending money from USA.

I concluded that if ethnic people knew the joy of sins forgiven through faith in Christ, compared to the works and fear systems of a past religion, they would find a way to send or take the Gospel to the culture they came from.

To me this is a good theory but I am afraid we Americans have a problem. THE WAY YOUR DISCIPLE MAY BE THE WAY THEY DISCIPLE.

Do we American’s have enough spiritual passion to step out of our cultural comfort zone in order to reach out in love to those in our neighborhood who struggle socially and spiritually to survive in this foreign land??? Is there enough personal concern in our local churches for the lost of “every tongue, tribe and nation” to move us to be missionaries in the mission field that has come to us?

Let me know what you think. Let’s begin praying for a soul winning passion without prejudice against any ethnic group. We can be a model for how the ethnic immigrant could be a missionary to his homeland.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

You Can Offer HOPE To Overcome FEAR

Key Talking Point #6 Ethnic People living here need freedom from their religion based on fear.

I saw fear as the basis of other religions in clear demonstration when I traveled to foreign countries. I saw this in contrast to Christianity, at least to authentic Biblical Christianity.

We can offer a confident HOPE; “…shall never perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) This hope is based on assurance that our sins are forgiven and from this we can enjoy PEACE and JOY. No more do I have to fear whether I worked enough to pay for my sins to satisfy God.

True, other religions have a system of WORKS to satisfy a god or hundreds of gods BUT the underlying motive is FEAR. The true salvation provided by Christ is one of assurance. I do not have to pay for my sins or work to appease an angry god. Christ paid for the sins of the whole world. This includes every language group without exception.

But think of this; many people who immigrate to America think that “Christianity is our national religion”. Even so they come with “their national religion”.

How embarrassing that they come to “Christian America” and we are not doing all we can to welcome them as a friend so they will be open to hear to the invitation “Come unto Me all who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.” (Mat 11:28)

It is a wasted opportunity. We should wake up to the fact that God has moved millions of people who worship based on fear to our neighborhood. (38 million foreign born people live within our borders.) They have to make so many adjustments to a new culture that most will welcome a helpful friend.

As we help them in the midst of their fear of adjustment to a new land and then we can show them Christ to overcome the fear of judgment for sin. No one can have HOPE and JOY without Christ even though some may become content socially in our land.

Let’s talk about how to befriend these who have a religion of fear.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Do We Need New Mission Agencies To Reach the Ethnic Mission Field Here In America?

Key Talking Point #5: Churches are organized and have potential workers. We don’t need professional missionaries to begin this type of program.

I believe we have the ORGANIZATIONS already in place and that they are sleeping giants? Organized mission agencies are needed to train and oversee evangelism and church planting in most areas of the world; in America too. However, the mission field has come to us; to our neighborhood.

We have thousands of LOCAL CHURCHES already located in the midst of multi ethnic mission fields of people who need Christ. They are representative of the Nations of the world. The exciting mission potential! If churches were to share the Joy of Salvation with these lost souls they could give this message in Nations closed to Americans.

Too many American believers are satisfied to attend church, give money and pray for the professional workers to give the Gospel to the LOST. It also seems that the word MISSIONS triggers the concept that the work is to be done in some foreign land where it will not disturb our comfort zone. Don’t change the foreign missions but don’t be content thinking that everything possible is being done.

Local churches are organized. They have leadership and purpose (even though the purpose needs to be expanded). Local churches have the potential missionaries (member) who live near or even next door to the Nations; the immigrates in our neighborhoods.

From experience I believe churches need an agency that can help them capture the vision and assist them to be the LOCAL MISSION AGENCY to “disciple all nations” without leaving home.

Ethnic to Ethnic Ministries, Inc can provide: casting for a church to be the MISSION AGENCY locally, 2. Can offer training for leadership and members, 3. Can assist with strategic planning, and 4. Can help set policies and programs to increase the success rate.

What do you think? Can mono ethnic churches become multi ethnic? Post your opinions; list the challenges and opportunities in the small envelope below.

Next week; People need Hope and Freedom from Fear.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Immigration: Problem or Opportunity from God?

# 4 Key point for E-tem. God has moved people from most of the nations and people groups of the world to the USA.

Immigration (legal and illegal) is a hot topic. When asked, I say there are two sides to this. 1, there is a national and political issue we should be attentive to. BUT, 2, there is the spiritual issue or opportunity whereby we can assist in the spreading of the Gospel worldwide and to all people groups.

The facts indicate that God is moving the world to our neighborhood; within our reach. This is an important trend to watch because everyday, the challenges for American foreign missions increase. Countries are closing or restricting American missionaries including the increasing costs. It is as if we are being forced out of traditional mission methods.

Some report that people from 190 foreign countries now live here and that 650 languages are spoken within our borders.

March CPS found 37.3 million immigrants in the country. Data collected in 2006
indicates that 613,000 immigrants live in group quarters, for a total foreign-born population of 37.9 million in March 2007”

“The figure shows that between March 1995 and March 2000, the foreign-born population grew by 5.7 million, or about 1.1 million a year. The figure also shows that between 2000 and 2007 the immigrant population grew 7.3 million, or 1.04 million a year. These two numbers are the same statistically.”

This means that one out of every eight people (1 out 8) living here were born in another country. In other words the mission field has come to us. Matt. 28 tells us we should “Disciple” in our going or as we go. This also means each one who is a “disciple of Christ” can be a “missionary” with out leaving home.

This #4 out of 13 Talking Points. In 3 weeks we will talk about the passion people have for their homeland so if they could experience the joy of salvation I believe they will find a way to send or take the Gospel to their friends.

Next week: To be part of this new opportunity we don’t have to have professional/full time missionaries . See you then.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Will we face change as an opportunity?

Key point #3: We need to look for changes that will allow us to be a part of reaching the world.

The World Is Getting Smaller. In many ways the world is more accessible. But, have you noticed that many churches are so busy and so over loaded with what they are doing that it is difficult for them to stop and notice changes.

There is stress to change. In the last two months we made several changes in our office attached to our house. This brings improvement but it has introduced confusion of where to relocate things from the old desk to the new. Now I even wonder if I need to upgrade the computer; but that would mean another learning curve and more time. It is easier to keep doing the same but the issue is can I do more with change? Even committing to this Blog creates pressure but I can see it can be part of casting the vision for “reaching the world”.

Last week I mentioned several changes in the world. Many think of these as limitations but “with every problem there is an opportunity.” Can we do more if we make the right changes? Will we face the challenges/changes and adjust so we can do more?

Increased mobility
High tech-communication
International business connections
Language translations, even digitally automatic
Plus many others

The wonderful record of 200 years of world missions causes me to rejoice. Now I just want people to evaluate 1. The basic issues of the Great Commission, 2. The productive things you now do, 3. The great opportunities if we adjust/improve our methods and 4. The potential of allowing God’s Glory to be revealed to more people.

There is no one miracle method. We need find effective ways of sharing the Gospel with “all nations.” One of those is to minister cross culturally to the 100’s of people groups living in USA.

More next week on my Key Talking Points.

Friday, August 22, 2008

The World Has Changed; Are You Adjusting Or Maintaining?

God’s plan for redeeming man has not changed but many of the national, communication, economic, travel and language barriers have been revolutionized.

This is the second point of 13 “Key Talking Points” to present the Ethnic to Ethnic Ministries concept. First, the Great Commission Has Not Changed! [that was last week]

Therefore, have we and will we need to change methodology to more effectively help people understand the offer of forgiveness and hope in Jesus Christ?

National. The names of nations and political leaders seem to change each day. Not once have I heard that they are more inviting to the Biblical message. How do you share the Gospel where you are not wanted?

Communication. I am using communication systems that no one dreamed of when I was born and then there are new ones they offer every day which I can’t understand. Today, you don’t even have to sit in a classroom to study for a degree. Person to person is still needed but this means restrictions can be broken.

Economic. Our dollar has less value, international trade is changing, the cost of sending U S missionaries has increased almost like our national debt, and the cost of doing anything has gone up. Think of how dependent you are on Internet and this is a new cost in the last decade.

Travel. Here again we can go further but at the same time there are more security restrictions, especially in the last seven years.

Language. More people are bi-lingual and English is more universal. Computerized translations increase but even so there are still 16.000 people groups.

Conclusion: American’s have to accept that winning the world must be shared with believers who can identify with their homeland and use the new methods. Nearly all of these people groups reside next to or near you and your church. Will we and can we win them to Christ so they can send or take to Gospel to lands American’s can’t go?

More next week. Please respond and join me.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Great Commission, Is it for professional missionaries only?

Is the Great commission only for professional missionaries we send away from our church?

We have focused on the word “world” in Mk 16:15 so much that the word “nations” in Mt 28:19 means some distant land of another culture and language. Oh, I know that we say that every man in every place, including the USA, needs Christ to be saved, BUT do our actions show it? Just look at the “nations”, the people groups of the world who live in our land, in our local community.

Anglo churches commonly seek to win Anglo people. Generally we assume that other cultures need to win the people of that culture. Sometimes we help a language group establish a church so they can meet separately. We may even support someone to evangelize that “other ethnic group” in our local area for us so we can stay in our comfort zone.

Mt. 28:19 gives the command and direction for offering the way of salvation and hope to the distant lands but also to the neighbor next door.

Let’s apply it. Where ever you are in your going, teach (disciple so they become followers of Christ in belief and life) all nations (the people groups wherever they are). Then we should welcome them to be baptized into Christ (one united body of believers). Baptism into Father, Son and Holy Spirit (accents the unity of those being baptized in this new human relationship as a preview of the unity of ethnic groups in heaven).

The Great Commission is more than a proper tool to challenge people to go over seas and more than an appeal to churches to support “full time” missionaries.” It is also our commission to seek out the Ethnic America and include them in a multicultural church, reflecting the Glory of God as it will be in heaven for eternity.

Let me know what you think.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Intoduction to Ethnic to Ethnic Ministries, Inc.

Notice the mission statement in the header. There are two issues!
  1. God has moved people to America from "Every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation;" [Rev. 5:9b]. We who have the Bible and know the truth regarding salvation from eternal death by faith in Jesus Christ should do all we can to reach the mission field that has come to us in America.
  2. Increasingly the Nations of the world are restricting the traditional work of our American missionaries. Half of the world is closed. Many others are limiting the entry of the "white man" to the point that many mission fields are forced to allow the national to reach nationals before we may think they are ready.

Conclusion: we must rethink how we are going to have a share in the Great Commission. If we only continue to maintain the overloaded mission budgets and search for the the shortage of missionaries we will soon be shut out. Let's look to other methods while we continue to give wise effort to the past methods. But let's lift up our eyes and look at the fields ripe for harvest according to the current world conditions. Let's befriend our neighbors of another culture and help them hear about forgiveness of sin through Jesus Christ the one creator of all men and the one giver of eternal life and hope.

Let's help them understand that freedom from the bondage of religions, based on fear of the unknown gods, is available so that God will give them a passion to share the good news with their family and friends in their ethnic homeland. They have abilities that we Americans don't have. Let's give them the opportunity to serve God by sharing with people of their own language group.

I hope you will respond with practical insight and questions so that we can watch God develop this ministry to assist churches. They are in place to win the world that has come to us.

Review my simple talking points below and contact me. Let's pray for people to catch this vision and prepare themselves.

Key points. Talking points for Ethnic to Ethnic Ministries
Eldon Brock
1. The Great Commission has not changed and God plans for people from every tongue, tribe and nation to be in heaven.
2. The world is changing. Let’s adapt our outreach methods.
3. We need to look for changes that will allow us to be a part of reaching the world.
4. God has moved people from most of the nations and people groups of the world to the U. S.
5. Churches are organized and have potential workers. We don’t need professional missionaries to go for this program.
6. Ethnic people here need freedom from their religion based on fear.
7. These Ethnic people can develop a passion for their own people group if we demonstrate a passion for the world, especially for their nation
8. These people have the best insight into how to communicate the message to their own ethnic group
9. They can find ways to send the Gospel even where it is dangerous for them to return to their homeland.
10. Some may return home but we should not try to program them for that purpose.
11. We should become brothers to such an extent that they will be able to share their needs.
12. We should assist where it is necessary but allow them to have ownership of their own passion and ministry.
13. American’s are not the only ones who can give the Gospel and plant churches. Let’s let God work.

Conclusion, so what can I do?
1. Begin praying systematically for the unsaved locally and worldwide. Start a plan such as praying for the lost: a. in each of the nations of the world, or b. on the six continents or c. those active in the major religions.
2. Survey the various ethnic groups in your church neighborhood and pray for them according to each nationality.
3. Encourage others to prayerfully consider this potential.
4. Encourage your church to plan an ethnic outreach and to organize training for members to help them become successful.
5. Pray with ethnic believers for the people of their home land and trust they will develop a passion that cultural group locally and internationally.