Millions of international ethnic people seek freedom in our country but most remain in bondage to personal sin like millions of people born in USA.
I attended the local Veteran’s Day memorial ceremony on November 11 and our attention was drawn to the sacrifices that paid for our national freedom. Freedom has come at a great cost but just a few people attended this ceremony to acknowledge this fact. I guess most people feel that this freedom is our right and they fail to give tribute to those who fought for us so we can live free of oppression.
Let’s ask:
FREEDOM from what?
FREEDOM to do what?
In our country we have freedom from bondage to foreign powers. We also have freedom to make independent choices about family, business and worship.
Jesus said a lot about FREEDOM in John 8.32 – 36.
The problem is that most who say they have freedom do not have it. They don’t realize that all are sinners and “Whoever commits sin is the servant of sin.” (v34) This is bondage not freedom. Jesus said, “If the Son, therefore, shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”
This freedom is 1. Freedom from eternal terror of judgment and also 2. Freedom to live a righteous life acceptable to God. It was paid for by one who was without sin. Our national freedom has required payment by millions in the military and law enforcement and this is only a determent of violence. And praise God it does provide the freedom to proclaim this message.
Most who read this have two freedoms. We enjoy this national freedom of speech and also the religious freedom to give our “members as instruments of righteousness unto God” (Rom. 6:13)
Both of these freedoms, the salvation from “slavery to sin” and the freedom to serve a Holy God are available to all people of “all Nations” especially those who live in our neigborhood.
We American Christians have a responsibility to present this message of Christ’s deliverance from bondage to the Nations. God has made this easier in that He has moved so many of them to America. The churches and believers who have experienced this salvation generally have not learned to give it without boundaries or prejudice. Our churches tend to depend on paid missionaries instead of each one reaching out cross culturally and building multi ethnic church fellowships.
Ethnic to Ethnic Ministries, Inc. purposes to, “Assist churches to disciple U S ethnic people to evangelized unreached ethnic people groups worldwide.”
Eldon Brock, Please interact with me here on this Blog,, or by email, Check out the web site
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