Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Diverse Ethnic America Has Voted.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yesterday America voted. We have a new president. The many segments of Diverse Ethnic Americans have exercised their rights and made us more aware of their presence. Some people seem to think that things are the way they have been; that Anglo Americans, with a predominantly Judeo-Christian background, are still the majority. This is not so.

The variety of voting blocks in this election forcibly reminds us that God has moved the Nations to our land.

This should awaken us to the opportunities we have to help them learn of Christ and His salvation from sin with an eternal hope. Think what the results would be if we could help them learn that the Government is not the answer to their social, economic and security needs. The One True Creator God is the one on the Throne in Heaven and He alone can meet our needs for now and the future.

Our churches should welcome people of other cultures so they can see the Welcoming Savior. If so we could see people of “every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation” begin to worship Christ and then they would want to share this joy with their ethnic homeland.

As commanded we should to pray for President Obama. (I Tim. 2:1-3) Let’s pray that God will be honored and that there will be increased freedom to share the Scriptures with all men of all ethnic backgrounds.

The Ethnic to Ethnic Ministries purpose is “to assist churches to disciple U S ethnic people to evangelize unreached ethnic people groups worldwide.”
Contact me at Eldon Brock

1 comment:

jlong said...

Great perspective on the changing views and demographics of our great county. The Church does need to step up and realize tactics must change while truth must not. We need to be missionaries to our own culture in order to reach each people group.