Thursday, October 9, 2008

Bold Messengers Are Available

Key Point # 9

People from other nations can find ways to send the Gospel even where it is dangerous for them to return to their homeland.

People from other cultures and political systems have learned many survival and defensive skills from living in countries of oppression and economic poverty. I have watched as I traveled in 8 countries. I have also been very closely related to several leaders who come from a very restricted nation. In fact some I know have lived under a leader who is listed number 2 to 4 worst dictator on human rights.

Christians coming from these conditions have learned to be “wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” Mat. 10:16b. Christ said in the beginning of this verse, “I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves.” People under oppression and persecution have a clear sense of what to live or die for. If Christ is their Hope He is greater than their fear of the king or death.

They learn skills for proclaiming and defending their basic beliefs and culture. Based on this they can find ways to send the Gospel even where it is dangerous for them to return to their homeland. One man I know has gone on short trips to his homeland to assist believers and help with evangelism, even at great risk.

True other ethnic people want to learn many things from us but as American’s, let’s accept the gifts and abilities God has given to them. Don’t let American arrogance get in the way of giving them respect and maybe the leadership.

But what about the millions of immigrants who do not know Christ as Savior? They are living next to us. We need to pray for love and opportunity to share the Good News with them. Pastor Rob Elkington. Whitby, Ont. replied to my blog post last week, “Once they know the Lord, are settled in a church home, and feel loved and a part of the family of God in their local church, they will eagerly work with the church body to reach their homeland in ways we could never imagine.” He has seen this happen in his intentionally multi ethnic church.

Let’s do all we can to refocus our traditional ways of church and ‘missions over there’ in order to love and win the people God loves and that Christ died who are from The Nations around the world. They also live in our community.

More on my Key Talking Points next week. Please comment so we can all share in this discussion.

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