Thursday, August 7, 2008

Intoduction to Ethnic to Ethnic Ministries, Inc.

Notice the mission statement in the header. There are two issues!
  1. God has moved people to America from "Every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation;" [Rev. 5:9b]. We who have the Bible and know the truth regarding salvation from eternal death by faith in Jesus Christ should do all we can to reach the mission field that has come to us in America.
  2. Increasingly the Nations of the world are restricting the traditional work of our American missionaries. Half of the world is closed. Many others are limiting the entry of the "white man" to the point that many mission fields are forced to allow the national to reach nationals before we may think they are ready.

Conclusion: we must rethink how we are going to have a share in the Great Commission. If we only continue to maintain the overloaded mission budgets and search for the the shortage of missionaries we will soon be shut out. Let's look to other methods while we continue to give wise effort to the past methods. But let's lift up our eyes and look at the fields ripe for harvest according to the current world conditions. Let's befriend our neighbors of another culture and help them hear about forgiveness of sin through Jesus Christ the one creator of all men and the one giver of eternal life and hope.

Let's help them understand that freedom from the bondage of religions, based on fear of the unknown gods, is available so that God will give them a passion to share the good news with their family and friends in their ethnic homeland. They have abilities that we Americans don't have. Let's give them the opportunity to serve God by sharing with people of their own language group.

I hope you will respond with practical insight and questions so that we can watch God develop this ministry to assist churches. They are in place to win the world that has come to us.

Review my simple talking points below and contact me. Let's pray for people to catch this vision and prepare themselves.

Key points. Talking points for Ethnic to Ethnic Ministries
Eldon Brock
1. The Great Commission has not changed and God plans for people from every tongue, tribe and nation to be in heaven.
2. The world is changing. Let’s adapt our outreach methods.
3. We need to look for changes that will allow us to be a part of reaching the world.
4. God has moved people from most of the nations and people groups of the world to the U. S.
5. Churches are organized and have potential workers. We don’t need professional missionaries to go for this program.
6. Ethnic people here need freedom from their religion based on fear.
7. These Ethnic people can develop a passion for their own people group if we demonstrate a passion for the world, especially for their nation
8. These people have the best insight into how to communicate the message to their own ethnic group
9. They can find ways to send the Gospel even where it is dangerous for them to return to their homeland.
10. Some may return home but we should not try to program them for that purpose.
11. We should become brothers to such an extent that they will be able to share their needs.
12. We should assist where it is necessary but allow them to have ownership of their own passion and ministry.
13. American’s are not the only ones who can give the Gospel and plant churches. Let’s let God work.

Conclusion, so what can I do?
1. Begin praying systematically for the unsaved locally and worldwide. Start a plan such as praying for the lost: a. in each of the nations of the world, or b. on the six continents or c. those active in the major religions.
2. Survey the various ethnic groups in your church neighborhood and pray for them according to each nationality.
3. Encourage others to prayerfully consider this potential.
4. Encourage your church to plan an ethnic outreach and to organize training for members to help them become successful.
5. Pray with ethnic believers for the people of their home land and trust they will develop a passion that cultural group locally and internationally.

1 comment:

Peter said...

Great start Eldon. I'm looking forward to seeing more.